Saturday 15 November 2014


Hearing of your sudden demise
It got me to a stall
For a moment I felt like all hope had been lost
I wondered in me, how could such a tragic thing ever occur
Atleast not in heaven's eye, Atleast not you.

In a moment fear had started to grip me
Then my soul was grieved
I could not stop thinking about you man of God
Though I hardly knew you,
nor even ever sat down to listen to your teachings
But even in that moment, I was shaken in my soul,
Oh Oh Oh, I cannot imagine how it is for those that were closest to you.

Then in the midst of the thoughts and grief,
The comforter came to me, to show me that
not all hope had been lost, to show me that,
There is never loss in the realm of the Spirit but gain.
"My child do not be afraid, there has been change
of in the Spirit, like in Elijah and Elisha's day. The later glory is always greater
Yes He was a great man in my eyes, but He has run His race. Run yours my son, fight the good fight"

R.I.P Dr Myles Munroe

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